Can some of you tell me what to give Roxie to prevent car sickness ?? She is not nervous when riding but it just makes her throw up. It only started after she was about 3 months old. We had made trips as long as 2 hrs before then and it never bothered her. But I was taking her to the vet for immunizations and she had an empty stomach and stated heaving and threw up foamy mucus and then yellow stuff. The next time she was in the car we were going back to the vet to have a lump at the injection site checked out and she had eaten and whoops here it came and all. She is just limp after the ordeal. We decided to try some short rides like 5 miles to get her accustomed to riding and maybe help..we thought. But she did not make it .Urp again. I would love to be able to take her in the car but I have to find something to give her first. She weighs about 5 lbs maybe at the most right now. Abby has never been carsick at all and loves to ride. Now that I am feeling beter we would like to take some little road trips later but have to get her carsickness under control. I refuse to Kennel them. Tooooo crazy over them. Becky
Hi Becky - you might try vitamin C and B-complex. Vitamin C (which helps with stress) can be given as crushed tablet (i use my own vitamin c tablets for the dogs and split them to appropriate size) - about 1-2 grams (depending on roxie's size). Basic rule of them is, they can get same supplements and vitamins we get, but base dosage correctly - i.e., if bottle says adults take 1 vitamin C - base that on average 140 lb adult - so i would at least quarter the pill for roxie and then grind (unless she willingly takes pills - mine won't LOL) B-complex (especially B-2 and B-6 with pantothenic acid) helps with nauseau - i use to take straight B-6 for morning sickness during my pregnancies :) Again - base dosage on dog's size - if human dosage is 1 tablet - give her 1/4 or less (it's usually about 5 to 15 milligrams depending on dog's size) If you know you're going on a long trip - start giving her the B-Complex and C about week before. It won't hurt her to keep her on it all the time either. Sometimes if you make sure they lay on floor of car, that helps too - not on seat or in carrier. If she does get nauseaous, you can give her peppermint tea or the peppermint tea capsules - this will settle an upset tummy. There's no real set dosage for the tea - you can just have a bottle on hand (make the hot tea and cool it down for her to put in bottle to carry with you) and give her some in bowl or by eyedropper.
Wow Sue! I'm impressed! I had no idea B vitamins and vitamin C could be used like that! That's amazing! I must try and remember that one about B6 for when I start having children! lol
If I may, I would just suggest you check with your Vet before administeringg anything yourself Becky. Just to be sure.
I dont know anything that helps with motion sickness for animals, sorry! But I do have a lot of sympathy, it is horrible! I get motion sick myself, so I feel for her!
Yep Jess - learned a lot from my rescue days - we automatically put all the dogs we brought in on vitamin c - helps their immune system and with the stress. And B-6 is wonderful for morning sickness !!! I had it all day long carrying Trevor and it helped a lot - So keep it in mind :)
I should have mentioned, as Jess did, that you should have her checked out first Becky. More and more vets are becoming to receptive to holistic/homeopathic methods now (they're even teaching it in vet school). I happen to have a wonderful vet who always tries "natural" remedies before anything else and it's improved my dogs lives soooo much. A lot of vets want to give them tranquilizers for car sickness and I, personally, can't see doing that. Those upset the tummy after :(