Okay this is a very strange question. Our newest little edition Luke, who is 6 months, does this weird breathing thing when he gets excited or after being outside. It sounds like hes an old man draining his nose cavity through his throat!! I'm not sure what it is, but once he calms down it stops. Can anyone help us here? We are not sure what is going on! Thanks!!
Hey there !!!! And welcome - i've posted another welcome on the other page :)
It sounds like you're describing what they call a "reverse sneeze" - a common trait in the toy breeds. Can be caused by pulling on the leash, drinking too fast or getting too excited. It can sound like a honking or snorting sound (my CJ does it. Usually if the pup calms down it will stop - or sometimes clapping your hands or rubbing their throat gently can stop it also. My CJ sounds like he gets stuff stuck up his nose and snorts and snorts LOL
Now, there is another condition chihuahuas can get called collapsed trachea - this is much more serious
I'd suggest talking to your vet to see if he/she can tell you exactly what it is.
My Radar does it also...mainly when he's excited! It sounds like he's honkin' like a goose. It goes away soon after he calms down a bit. As far as I know, most all Chi's do it at some point or another...
I'm glad that you posted! Bella does this too. I read about it online and they suggested, and this is what I do, is cover her nose. This forces her to breath through her mouth, which stops the "reverse sneezing" and gets them breathing "normal" again.
Yep, we hear that a LOT around here, especially from Jax. It's def reverse sneezing. When they take their spells of it we always refer to it as their "asthma spells". LOL!