I was just getting into bed last night and turned to see Katie sliding over the edge of the bed. She went butt first, all wild eyed trying to grab the blankets. She scared herself and ME to death. So, lights back on, checking her out, and then holding her and waiting until she was calmer. She was so freaked out, I thought for sure we'd be having little preemie puppies in the middle of the night. Once she was calm, I wanted to make sure she wasn't limping, bleeding, etc. And she got a snack. An hour later, all was well. Lights out. Ten minutes later, I have Yoshi standing on my chest. He sleeps in my arms and never pesters me unless there is a reason. Well, occasionally he throws himself on my face and kisses me half silly, which isn't always amusing at 4 a.m. But anyway, he started digging on my shirt. OK, something is wrong. I of course think Katie. Get the lights on and Yoshi looks like a circus freak. ALL swelled up and red, hives everywhere, big fat red lips and eyes. So I run out and get the Benadryl. No time to cajolle him into anything, so I slap a pill into some peanut butter, his very favorite thing. And then I get to sit up and watch another dog. Poor little baby had tufts of hair standing up all over form the hives and he just wanted hugged and scratched. I found one hive that was HUGE and I'm assuming it was a bite of some sort. I'm guessing a spider bite. With the weather cooling off, all the crawlies are trying to get in. I've seen a couple spiders in the bathroom. FINALLY the hives started going down and we went back to bed. Do you think I could sleep? No way Jose. Any time a dog moved, I'm up with my flashlight. This morning, Yoshi is still itchy a bit and decidedly pink. I gave him more benadryl just to help calm things so he doesn't scratch all day. And Katie is not going anywhere near the end of the bed. She seems fine though, puppies are still moving around, she's her cheery little self. Prayers for healthy babies would be great though. I *think* she landed on her butt, but still.
Oh Karen!! What a horrible night for you and your babies! I am so sorry, I can't imagine how tough that must have been on you. I hope poor Yoshi is feeling better soon, poor little guy! And Katie, you must have been beside yourself! I hope all is well with her babies and her, and I sure hope you manage to get a nap in today. I am sending well wishes your way and I hope that everything goes smoother for you today. Keep us updated on everyone today :) Take care, Lisa
I know what you mean Coco is so big now that she has a hard time getting up on the bed and it is pretty high double pillow tops I've had to start putting her up on the bed and taking her down. I've tried putting her in a bed beside ours but that is not good enough for her. Your bed partners sound like mine Butter on my husbands pillow Coco snuggled up to my back Taco on my belly Dolly in my arms Nina and the Porsha at the end of the bed
Well no nap for me. I went downstairs for the last bag of dog food and realized that the bag before THAT was the last bag. Oops. A quick Benadryl for Yoshi and off to Petco. WHY do people bring nasty dogs into stores like that??? UGH. A whole other thread though. Yoshi is still pink around the edges, worse where he had scratched. His mama had hives for three days when she got them so I'm afraid he will be the same way. The Benadryl keeps him from going nuts and I will give him a cool shower this evening with me to calm it down before bed. At least he doesn't have tufts of hair poofed up all over any more. He looked like the after effects of a nuclear leak last night, poor baby. I can definitely see the bite now on his elbow. Katie is right as rain, my little cheerleader! If there is a broken baby, she isn't letting on that there is a problem. I considered taking her in for x-rays, but even if we SEE a little cracked skull or something, there's nothing they can do they said. Unless there is a problem and she needs a section. So I won't subject the pups to x-rays for no reason. They are all moving. I *think* I feel three on one side and two on the other. I don't know if there's anyone hiding underneath. The one that sticks way out on one side I call Jerome. I pet him through her side. So far so good!
Well, I hope that you get a better sleep tonight :) Oh boy, you are having one of those days.....I feel badly for you, hopefully things will start looking up shortly . I always find those kind of days happen when I am at my worst energy level possible, so it makes it way worse! *Hugs* for you, and *hugs* for Yoshi and Katie and her puppies, I sure hope they are all ok. And it is so sweet that you are able to give love through Katies side to Jerome, it made me feel all mushy when I read that.
Karen, you make me smile so much. I love how you eloquently describe each crazy scenerio. I just wanna hug ya! I am glad Katie is back to her big bellied happy self and can't wait to see which one Jerome is. Poor lil Yoshi. I would have freaked out myself, I know, great nurse I am. Makes me want to go out and definately get some liquid benadryl tomorrow! Give him a scratch or rub for me.
Wow Karen - what a night !!!! Glad to hear everything's good now tho - can't hurt to send a few extra prayers tho that Yoshi recovers quickly and Katie's pups are doing fine - so ya get some from our way too :)
Boy Karen, a lot of excitment at your house it seems. Hope all are doing okay now and I hope you have been able to get some sleep. I will keep you and your babies in my prayers.
Karen, Prayers for all three of you and the unborn pups too. Can we have another pic of Katies belly when ya have time. As if you didn't have enough to do already huh? I would have been a nervous wreck.
Everyone is fine now. Katie's belly has dropped today. She was really WIDE before. Now it's all underneath her and she is practically dragging the babies on the ground. I'll get some pictures here shortly. The pups are really moving in there tonight, the puppy I call Jerome must have an IPod in there. If she has all girls, I'm going to be so sad not to meet Jerome, I talk to him all the time!
Oh my goodness, Karen! That was one crazy night you had! I'm so glad to hear that Katie is doin' good, and Yoshi is feeling better. I know I would have been a complete nut in that situatiion. So glad to hear everyone is doin' fine. Praying for happy and healthy babies here!!!