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Roxie, Not In Front Of Company !!
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Zoinkers..This was funny to begin with but not tonight.hump.gifRoxie had a teddy bear that she has began to hump at night. Well tonight she got off the bear and got on Abby. When I made her quit that she got on my foot. I made her stop that and then she got under my foot and started rubbing right at the base of her tail on the sole of my foot and flagging her tail to the side.She had rubbed that part of her back and done the tail bit on the bottom of my foot before a lot but I never really thought too much about it before. But she was just too much tonight with the other too.idea Do ya think she is reaching sexual maturity? Can they be coming into heat with out the swelling or discharge the first time?  confuse.gif or is she just doing her thing?weirdface9 months on the 30th.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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lol... With our first chi, it was a stuffed rabbit... and she loved it till she passed away at age 10...Doesn't mean she is necessarily coming into season, probably just feels good! lol Deb

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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Hey, Deb..guess what..while I was back here posting she chewed my dress sandals up that I had worn to the doctor today. Totally ruined them. I so love my babies. LOL


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Thankfully mine are all out of the chewing stage..except for my toes on occasion.. They will grab a bedroom shoe and run with it just so I'll chase them...In the past I did lose a few items to their teething tho.. Aren't they so easy to love?? lol

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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Mine all get to shaking their groove thing before they really start heat. Last time I had three girls in heat together, no four. They were humping in a row, it looked like a tiny conga line. HAHA!

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So far I have been lucky with Merrie, but my Mom's Chica looooves her socks only, lol. She will humpher foot til she removes her sock out of frustration, then Chica will grab it run away with it and quite often just sleep wiith it, hehe. Now Lacie has started to take notes, so she has had one on one foot, then one on the other, lol! So looks like mom's feet will be cold this winter. I have heard soooo many times from people with chi's that their pup's all have "hump buddies", in the form of a stuffed animal. I am glad I haven't had to deal with this yet :) Mater likes to practice on different parts of Misti and Lacie....Chica practices on anyone that will sit still for long enough, but so far Merrie hasn't tried anything.


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The only one around here that does that is Boomer. He'll hump anything that doesn't move. He has a favorite stuffed dog though. It's a dalmation and is bigger then him.

chidad3rd.pngLouise E Williams Siggy by Rosa

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All I can say is the teddy bear will be put up before company come in.Sorry Roxie. Maybe you will have a mate in another 7 or 8 months.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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Well, she could either be coming into season or she's exerting her dominance.  If she cant be the 'alpha' dog then she'll try and be dominant over the 'lower' members of the pack (usually the soft toys).  Humping is a way to determine dominance. 

Ellie has a hedgehog whom she used to beat up and then hump, it was kind of like rape really.  I am so glad she's stopped all that now!  Lol! 

It's pretty normal for that age, I wouldn't worry about it.  Hopefully she'll stop soon!



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I don't know what to make of Precious. She has started doing this on her Mom *Tippy*. She doesn't do it all the time though. Just every few months she'll take a notion to either grab Tippy around the back legs and hump or grab my really huge male cat *Spot* and do it. Spot has been around Precious since he was just a kitten and they are wrestle/chase buddies but certain times she starts doing this mess and he doesn't like it at all. Tippy just stares at her and me until i snap my fingers or scold her, like as if to say please get this silly dog off of me lol



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Jess, that sounds just like Roxie. She has always tried to be the dominant dog from the day we brought her home as a pup.idea And she still is. Abby just gives in to her and rolls over when she gets to rough housing-until- Roxie mouths too hard and then Abby might snarl back or simply yip and run. Roxie is going to be the alpha female even though she is the youngest. Maybe because Abby is spayed and Roxie is not at this point, it may show up even more. Have a great weekend.


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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WeeKidsMom wrote:

Mine all get to shaking their groove thing before they really start heat. Last time I had three girls in heat together, no four. They were humping in a row, it looked like a tiny conga line. HAHA!

I am still laughing... lololol....
Molly humps Lucy... Jazzy tries to hump Molly.. Coco tries to hump Jazzy... I even caught Jazzy humping in her sleep... craziness I tell you. All of my girls except for Coco are fixed.. it has to be a dominance thing in the Bell clan.



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Must be. My stepdaughter has a little male chi that will only mess with the cats. Never bothers the other dogs.It was the male chi we kept for my grandson for awhile. Glad we did not choose him for a breeder.I think he must be a little confused. lmoa


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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WeeKidsMom wrote:

Mine all get to shaking their groove thing before they really start heat. Last time I had three girls in heat together, no four. They were humping in a row, it looked like a tiny conga line. HAHA!

OH!  LOL!!!  That is just too funny!  Oh man, I'm going to be laughing all day over that one!  OH!  LOL!!!




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I realize that this started as a serious subject, but I can't help but laugh over all this! LoL! Sandy is really the only female dog I've ever owned. But, she is constantly trying to hump poor Radar. And all he can do is just stand there and give her dirty!


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I know, it is funny Rosa. Roxie was coming into heat as it turned out. AND it only got worse with the stuffed animal. The poor thing is hid in a bedroom right now.It was funny to begin with and then she just got plum ridiculous with it. Ahhhh!!!!! I am laughing as I read your post thinking about Radar giving Sandy a dirty look, like "And just what do you think you are trying to do you crazy woman????"


Becky and The Sunshine Girls.. aka Abby and Roxie

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