Questions???? Roxie has had the poops ever since she has been in heat now for 3 days. Today I noticed it had mucus in it even. The only thing she has had different at all was about a teaspoon of whole milk on her Eukanuba dry food to get her to eat a couple of times since she was not eating. Is this normal ? This is her first time to be in season so I do not know what is normal. It is not real often but when she does go it is runny. Abby never had any of these symptoms. I had a onsie on her tonight with a pad in it when we saw her go into another room really sneaky like. She came back like a kid who had pooped their pants walking all funny like and shaking and poop coming out the legs eww. I was eating supper. That was a short meal. This got up in a hurry. Have any of you had upset tummies with your girls?
Hmmm, well I haven't gone thru this yet, so I can't help much. Just a thought, I know that most cats and dogs are lactose intolerant, and chi's have tiny tummies, so maybe the milk is causing her upset tummy. It sound like a pretty gross situation for both of you! I hope she feels better soon!!
Milk will give mine funky poop really quick. I would guess it's the milk and not the heat. My girls in heat can have a bit of loose stool, just because they get all hormonal and out of sorts. But the mucus and tummy problems sound like the milk.
Becky, I think IG is right about the milk. My Vet advised us not to give them milk just in case they were lactose intolerant. When Precious was in heat she had loose bowels for a couple of days and it looked like it had mucus in it.
Thanks ,this morning she has thrown up just a little clear stuff and acted like it was acidy..she rolled and rubbed her face in the carpet something terrible and hacked, and then again after she had eaten grass ?? I am giving her until this afternoon to see what happens but before the vet closes.
Thanks ,this morning she has thrown up just a little clear stuff and acted like it was acidy..she rolled and rubbed her face in the carpet something terrible and hacked, and then again after she had eaten grass ?? I am giving her until this afternoon to see what happens but before the vet closes.
I'm sure she is fine, but like I've said before, until you are used to YOUR girl, better safe than sorry. My Janie barfs as soon as she starts her heat right up until she is in standing heat or bred. Ten days of puking, cranky little dog. So it does happen.
The vets says as long as the stools are not real frequent and have some consistancy(form) and she is not throwing up all the food and she is eating somewhat normally now to just watch her. But..if I am really too uncomfortable about the situation to call back and bring her in. If she develops any fever at all to bring her in right away no matter what. He is a really kind guy and knows how I feel about these dogs. I cooked some rice and put a little of her food in it and gave her a small quantity of that earlier to see what would happen. He said either do that or rice and boiled chicken.