I've used the nebulizer on them twice now and Kellen has been coughing and clearing her lungs. They sound MUCH better. Not perfect, but better. Kellen and Leigh both have their eyes open now and more pups are starting to crack tiny eyes open. I will watch them today and if they don't seem on the right path still by afternoon, I will take them to the vet farther away. If it IS herpes, they need to stay REALLY warm and it's snowing here, so I don't want to take them out if I don't have to.
Karen, sorry to hear that the weather is so lousy right now. Hope it clears up soon. Hope the nebulizer works for the pups so you don't have to take them out into the cold. Still sending prayers your way.
I am glad to hear that the pups are feeling a bit bettter, and I hope that they continue to improve :) But you have snow already!?!? Oooooh, I am sooooo jealous! How about posting a picture or two of your yard with the snow??? How do the chi's feel about going out in it?
Snow already?! Wow! It's cold here, but not that cold! Even thouough the pups wouldn't o well in it and it must be a concern to you right now, I, like Lisa, must admit to being a teeny bit envious! Lol!
I love the snow! Well normally. NOT when I'm dealing with sick puppies particularly though. We are supposed to get about 6 inches tonight. If we do, I'll get you all some pictures!! The chihuahuas have not seen the snow yet. We use potty pads here all the time now. Between the parvo outbreaks and all the wildlife coming up into the back yard, the dogs only go out to play or help me in the garden. And they only want in the garden to eat raspberries. LOL