The puppies are doing SO well, there is absolutely no rattle left in Kellen's chest tonight. I've been putting them in a closed box and using the nebulizer several times a day and giving them drops of Airborne on their tongues. Ohhhh, they don't care for the orange flavor, they scrunch up their little noses, and Leigh just hangs her mouth open until it falls out. You can almost hear her say BLAHHHHHHHHH. I'm hoping we continue to do this well, but I am monitoring them like crazy just in case. We've got more eyes opening, they look SO cute with their eyes open!! If they are still doing well tomorrow, I will get some pictures. The chocolate puppies look like wee teddy bears with their eyes open. I'm not handling them any more than necessary right now, just for medications and back in the box they go where it is HOT and humid for them. When we had Maya's puppies and had to put Freddy to sleep at five days, it was so hard. I thought I had dealt with it pretty well until these puppies got sick. Every peep and I am up and in a tizzy. Freddy had a bad heart and of course wasn't "sick" in the conventional sense like this, but it still is freaking me out. I know the numbers and percentages, I know the mortality rate and I know I can't pick and choose which parts of breeding I want to deal with, but the sick or dying puppy part really sucks. I honestly thought it wouldn't be "as bad" as losing an older pup because really, you don't KNOW baby puppies by personality. That sounds so rational until you are holding a sick puppy in the palm of your hand. I read about people losing whole litters and I can't even imagine. OK, I'm babbling now. I'm just really glad they seem to be doing well. I love them SO much already.
I am so happy to hear that the pups are doing better, it must be terribly frusterating not to be able to hold them and give them snuggles, especially when they are is kind of a motherly instinct!! I can't wait to see more pictures of them soon, they are so sweet!
They are doing very well. A few little sniffly noses, but no more coughing and sneezing ALL day. Hooray! Tonight after their breathing treatment, they got their nails cut. They were fine when I did it the first time. Not so much tonight. They are developing opinions already. Leigh tried to "bite" me which of course was terribly cute. LOL
I am so happy to hear the pups are doing better. I have been scarce yet again from the forum because my 17 year old tabby Sinbad had a very bad stroke last week and then yesterday we had our vet put him to sleep. I pray your pups continue improving because losing a pet is just horrible. I'm still a bundle of nerves and reading about happy puppies and happy mommies makes me feel a lot better.
"Gooing to the Whitehouse to meet the Pwesident!" ~Droopy Dog~
I am so happy to hear the pups are doing better. I have been scarce yet again from the forum because my 17 year old tabby Sinbad had a very bad stroke last week and then yesterday we had our vet put him to sleep. I pray your pups continue improving because losing a pet is just horrible. I'm still a bundle of nerves and reading about happy puppies and happy mommies makes me feel a lot better.
Oh my God, I'm so sorry! That must've been awful! I know how hard stokes can be and my sympathies are with you.
Did the vet ever see them to tell you what they had? Are they still showng symptoms?
We did not take the pups in. I was in contact with my vet, and it was decided to crank up the heat and humidity here and treat them for colds first. It worked, they haven't had any symptoms at all for over ten days. I just wanted to add that I am on a large Yahoo list that is all chihuahua breeders and they were a LOT of help also. If anyone is considering breeding, give me a holler and I'll link you up!