I had to take Prissy to see the Doctor today. She had a lump come up on her back between her shoulder. It is the size of a quarter and feels somewhat mushy. The doctor said it is like a boil and she is trying antibiotics first. She also put her on seroids for ten days because of her scratching. My poor baby has suffered with skin problems and the other Vet tried to "cure' her by changing her food. She is only 3.5lbs as it is and when we switched her food she refused to eat and went down to 2.5lbs. I put her back on her food and she put her weight back on but still had trouble with her skin. Her doctor didn't want to do steroids but it is kind of a last resort at this point. I sure hope it works because she scratches herself raw. She woke me up at 4 am this morning and she had herself bleeding. With the medication and the exam and office visit it cost me $ 19.25 for her visit to the doctor. I don't know how she makes any money as cheap as she is but I think she really just loves helping the animals. I'll let you know how Prissy does.
Poor Prissy baby... Have you tried the oatmeal based shampoo for her itching? Charlie had a real skin problem once and it really helped him.. I got it from my vet back then.. He was also put on steroids which made him eat like a piggy!
-- Edited by chideb at 00:07, 2007-12-18
Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will not, ourselves, find Peace... -Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Good luck to Prissy. My Niles has the same kinds of issues. Thankfully we were able to find him a food he will eat. He's a porky boy so food isn't normally an issue for him. LOL
The Vet had me try the oatmeal bath when I first took her in as well as giving her a little bit of benadryl twice a day. Nothing has helped her though. She is a real picky eater too and the only thing we have been able to get her to eat is Iams Mini Chunks. She won't even eat any other kind of Iams. She will eat spagetti though. When we got her she had only been fed scraps and she was already 9 months old.
Oh that is so sad. I hpe they find something. Maybe see what Karen feeds, never know if she will eat that unless you try? I hope they figure out whats going on. Thats sad she has to go through all that. I wish you the both of luck. Hope the updates are all good.
Hope Prissy is better soon. If I try to change mine fom the Eukanuba they start scratching with dry skin. I think the heaters and fireplace make mine worse. Poor Prissy, I know she must be miserable.
Becky, Prissy sleeps all day. Last night she got up and came out to see us around 8:00 PM. She wanted to eat some of our dinner. Thats how I got her medicine down her. I put it in some pizza and she didn't know it. then she ate a half a cup of her food, that's a lot for her. She got back up at 2:00AM and ate some more of her food. She didn't wake me up all night scratching though so hopefully the medicine is working. She is just over three pounds so maybe she will put on a little weight if she keeps eating better. I'm going to go to PetSmart and see if they have the food Karen uses. I don't know if Prissy wil eat it but if she doesn't the others will.