I just left Mo (our corgi) at the vet to have xrays! He has been having problems getting around and this is our second time in. They think he may have ruptured a disc but they are going to call me this afternoon with the results...
If he needs continued care or surgery I will need to stay home with him while the rest of the family goes to Florida over Christmas break and it will really hit us financially. Could you guys pray for him? I'm hoping that they are just thinking worst case scenerio and it isnt that serious???
Thank you so much! I'll let you know what happens...
Thank you sooo much! I came in from the car carrying Hurley and Nadia and when I sat Hurley down he started limping? Good grief, he was fine at the vet only 20 minutes ago? Maybe Nadia just squished him in the carrier or i was holding him too tight? When it rains it pours....
I just heard from the vet and Mo has atleast 2 herniated discs and calcification on many of them. They are going to try prednisone and are doing some blood work to make sure nothing else is going on but we are picking him up tonight. I'm still hoping he doesnt have to have surgery but they wont know for atleast a couple of days. Since we had planned on leaving for Florida this Saturday I am going to take him back to the vet on Friday and he is going to stay with them while we are gone. That way I know he is getting his meds and they will be able to help him if anything goes wrong...
Thank you all soooooo much for your prayers and kind words. He isnt out of the woods yet so please keep thinking good thoughts for our chubby buddy:)
Hurley is doing great, I forgot he had his shots today..I'm a dork, that's why he was limping...
Just because you are his step mom/grandma? ....he has a little bit of a sinus thing going on and he did end up having a....worm...ick!!! But we gave him stuff for that and the vet said he looks wonderful. He said that sometimes the little critters dont show up in the stool sample the first time? His stinky breath is almost gone and one ear was up again today until Nadia pounced him in the head again...LOL She is such a beast!
They love it when he comes to the vet, they have never seen a merle chi so they all hold him and love on him and talk about him in the back room!!! tee hee, he is quite the little stinker:)
Mojo is going to be in good hands while I am gone so I am VERY relieved. I was really freaked out when I came home today after leaving him. It was nice to have this group to be able to listen to me and give me encouragement. My dogs are like my kids, I want everyone to love them:)
Aww glad hes doing ok. Must be the weather huh?? Yeah Jen and I share the stepmom/grandma role lol. Yeah the samle was good for jen and you also first time, hes a pup though so they can get them easy. Even from eating pup or if he goes outside. I bet the go crazy over him, he is so flashy too!!!