Hawaii celebrates New Years with a bang.........a BIG BANG! Fireworks have been going off every night for a month now and Paka is a very unhappy pup. New Years Eve, he will be a shaking bundle of fur. I have a problem, we will not be home for a couple of hours on the eve. We have early dinner reservations so we can be home when all hell breaks loose. Paka will be alone for those two hours. We do close up the house, leave the lights on and the tv set on. Do any of you know of a natural relaxer we can give him for that night or something over the counter that would help him while we're gone? We do have have something from the vet for later on when it get's really bad but I don't want to give it to him unless I'm home to watch him. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year, everyone.
Siggy by Rosa
"My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."
We use to give our Chi when I was a kid baby Benadryl (over the counter) it would make him relaxed and sleep so he wouldn't be such a nervous wreck during the 4th of July and stuff. I don't' recall how much we gave him but I am sure you can call your vet for dosage or other ideas. They would probably know best and be able to offer natural and/or over the counter stuff.
Thank you for the tip. I was thinking of that. I'll call my vet tomorrow and see what the dosage will be for a 5 1/2 pound pup. You have been a great help. Thank you.
Siggy by Rosa
"My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."
You could try a little rescue remedy too - you get it at the nature food stores or vitamin stores - it's made with floral compounds.
Vitamin C and B-complex are also good for stress but they are more for long-range stress and you would give continuously for while so stress doesn't affect him. I give my pups (those 4 lb and up) about 1/4 tablet of 500 mg. C (with rose hips) and 1/4 tablet B-complex ground up in food every day - especially before a show coming up or a trip.