I finally chose a new food for Corona, went to the pet store and bought a 6lb bag of Wellness to switch her onto. Brought it home and decided to give her a piece to sample. Opened the bag and... crap. The kibbles are HUGE, like, the size of her eyeball. I gave her one and of course she had a heck of a time with it.
What can I do to make it easier for her to eat? I wanted to get her back on straight kibble so it would be MORE convenient to feed her, not a pain in the butt.
If you have a meat tenderizer. It look like a little hammer, or just use a hammer. Put some kibble in a ziploc and smash it to the size chunks you want. I do this sometimes for bigger kibble.
Sounds like a winner to me, Eren. Then after you use this up maybe you can go back and they will have it in small bites. Doesn't it make you mad to go get something and then it doesn't work out??
Nevertheless... I gave it a try... it punctured the snot out of the ziplock bag, and instead of breaking up into smaller kibbles, it turned to poweder which then spilled all over my floor.
I used a blender when May was small, but if not careful, it can turn into a powder, it nothing else works, donate that bag to a shelter and start over with another brand
Nevertheless... I gave it a try... it punctured the snot out of the ziplock bag, and instead of breaking up into smaller kibbles, it turned to poweder which then spilled all over my floor.
awww Stacey... Did she at least help you 'clean' it up?
Nevertheless... I gave it a try... it punctured the snot out of the ziplock bag, and instead of breaking up into smaller kibbles, it turned to poweder which then spilled all over my floor.
awww Stacey... Did she at least help you 'clean' it up?
What, my little princess lick food off the floor? I think not! lol
We use the meat mallet here too. If you have one layer in a bag, a couple good whacks is all it takes. The only ones here that need that are Louie and Violet.
Stacey - you may want to check with the store you got it at too - some stores take returns if the food isn't exactly what you expected - even if it's open. I know the petsmarts here in my area do.