This got me a little hot under the color I'm sure you all will feel the same way. I love my Chihuahuas, I want to know where my Chihuahuas come from. I also believe in shelter pets as well. Yet I feel if I want a pure bred Chihuahua then that is my business and my freedom. Now lets not go mad and have pups after pups and litters after litters and cross breed the dogs and such because that is not what it is all about. Yet I do believe I have the right to have a pure bred Chihuahua if I want one. That goes for Merles to and I have one and love her so much. I think they are so beautiful. I would love to have more. My Chihuahuas will never leave this home. When we got them we knew they would be with us as long as they live and they will.
peta wont be happy until they have every animal out of peoples homes. they are the ones who were cruelly killing wonderful loving pets. they took in animals from people who thought they were giving up there pets to a good organization and then peta turned around and killed them. i hate peta. they are cruel and there ethics are rediculous. im sorry if i have offended any one who believes in them. but if you do your research on them they are wrong in the way they do things and very hypocritical. i understand wanting animals to be treated right and that goes for the ones we eat. but this is insane. alot of people dont reaize what peta is all about. they just think that they are there to help animals and the cruelty that is placed on them but that is not the end of the story. if you read on under the clip you will here more about them. and if you dont believe the hear say go on and google and you will see news sites who have done a story against petas cruelty. sorry i got a little carried away. this subject always makes me mad. and again if i have offended anyone i am sorry. this is my personal opinion and everyone is intitled to theirs.