Seems Cee has an underbite, ( Where the bottom teeth rest in front of the top teeth when mouth is closed) I thought her mouth looked funny or different rather, and since she is going to be spayed, passing the trait on is not a problem, but are there going to be other health related problems to this? She eats well, always the little piggy.. and she chews and chews on whatever is near her..
Seems Cee has an underbite, ( Where the bottom teeth rest in front of the top teeth when mouth is closed) I thought her mouth looked funny or different rather, and since she is going to be spayed, passing the trait on is not a problem, but are there going to be other health related problems to this? She eats well, always the little piggy.. and she chews and chews on whatever is near her..
She may have issues with the front of her bottom teeth. They may need cleaned more often. And I'd ahve the vet get a good look and make sure it is JUST an underbite and nothing structural that you can't see! Then if it is fine, you just call it character.
Karen said it all :) Make sure you have teeth cleaned when needed - and also have vet check that there's no retained baby teeth - that can push bite off
Okay, how old are they when they start losing their baby teeth and about when are they done with it? I am okay with Character, makes them more endearing.. I checked the other 5 although just from looking at them they seemed ot be okay, where Cee;s mouth just seemed different, But Izz had a very slight overbite and the rest have perfect bite, and are a tad irritated as having me mess with their mouths..
Okay, how old are they when they start losing their baby teeth and about when are they done with it? I am okay with Character, makes them more endearing.. I checked the other 5 although just from looking at them they seemed ot be okay, where Cee;s mouth just seemed different, But Izz had a very slight overbite and the rest have perfect bite, and are a tad irritated as having me mess with their mouths..
-- Edited by WeepadQueen at 17:16, 2008-02-24
Speaking of peeved, I brushed Angel's teeth last night. She was high drama the rest of the evening. Laying on my pillows, sighing, turning her back if I looked at her. LOL By about six months, you should have a good idea if there's going to be a baby tooth issue. Since she is not going to be shown, I'd give it a little more time before you have them pulled maybe, but check at six months for sure. I have heard cow hooves help get those little buggers out. I had a pig ear REhydrate in a water dish once and I don't do body parts here any more. That was SO gross. I'm picturing a bully stick doing that, and wow, I'd be scarred for life. LOL
Karen you just make my day with your comments. Ellen, just keep a check to make sure the baby teeth are falling out as the adult ones come in. Roxie was late in losing hers but they did finally all come out. As long as she can eat and chew she should be fine but I agree with Karen. You can tell if there is tarter building up. OR if you start now she might let you use one of the little finger brushes on at least her front teeth. Roxie does not mind it too much. Not crazy about it.. but if you start working with her mouth now she might adjust to it. Work with her on ears,paws, teeth, etc. several times a day for just a little while so she will not be scared or nippy when you NEED to do something with her. I am sure you already know all of that though. I have even got these use to standing for the bootie squish procedure. Yuck !! Cee is a prettty little thing.
Thank you Becky, Mine will stand for the anal gland squeeze, but they do not say "Do me Next!!" Cee opens her mouth well, usually to bite on my hand, I do give them hooves even though they stink, and the bigger ones get the ears, I just do not run them thru the washer, I am afraid to let her have ears just yet, Not sure about her digestive system She keeps chewing on my ankles and teeth will no longer be an issue
aww, now Mom you know you like having pin holes all around the ankles. Those little baby teeth sure are sharp aren't they. I got my videos fixed I think......LOL