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Post Info TOPIC: The boyz are teething...HELP

Adult Chi

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The boyz are teething...HELP
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Ok, all 3 boys are teething and I remember getting all freaked out when Nadia got her big girl teeth because she looked like a tiger shark:)  Sooooo, I'm trying not to freak out again but we have several different issues going on.  How bad can their bite go off when they teeth?  Hurley is developing an underbite, very slight but def. there right now.  Sayid is not losing many of his baby teeth and Menkowski has lost all of his front teeth but doesnt have adult teeth so his tongue hangs out all the time!!!

They are all around 5 1/2 months...I am planning on taking them at around 6 1/2 months to have any baby teeth taken out but I just wondered what everyones experiences have been?

Will Hurley's bite correct itself once his big boy teeth come in?
Will Menkowski have problems with out front teeth?

They look like a bunch of rejects right now:)...LOL Poor guys...Everyone had perfect bites until about 2-3 weeks ago and they are falling apart like little old men....confused 


Hurley1-2008016.jpg picture by lostislandpix

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Good luck Tina. All the bite problems I've had have gotten worse. One underbite corrected a bit and then went back out. I don't know enough to tell you what will happen with your boys, but I hope you do better!

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Goodness, I am afraid I'm no help here either. I do hope things go ok. I'd prob just call and ask the vet about it if you don't really get many replies here.


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Tina - this is just what i've heard, my opinion or what i've experienced :)  That being said.   Bites go off and on for up to a year (so i'm told) - a lot can depend on jaw development.   Leaving retained baby teeth in can cause the bite to go off.   Some, not all, underbites are not hereditary.
This has been my experience so far with bites.  Bought 1 boy - knew he had underbite but was very short nose.  Hoping that it was jaw hadn't  fully developed and that was exactly the case.  Now at almost a year - he has a perfect bite. 
Girl with good bite when got her, went off at 6 months and is still off (but just slightly) as underbite.
Girl that was good bite - but had retained baby teeth.  Waited til 6 months to have them pulled - she now has a slight underbite (cases like this are not hereditary)
My last girl i got at a year has very slight underbite and crooked teeth :(   Vet says she will be fine to breed as it was improper tooth care when she was younger that caused this problem and it is not hereditary.

There are show tricks for slight underbites for up to a year - you just push on bottam jaw ever so slightly few times a day.  I do it while i'm sitting with pups watching tv.  PLEASE DON'T do show trick of using elastic bands on pups teeth (not that you would ever try it but don't let anyone talk you into it)  They actually do make doggy braces now LOL but this is elastic trick is an old trick some showers do using their own elastics - gums can get cut and infections can be caused.  The pressure I do on the jaw is just very light - can't say it works, can't say it doesn't :)   I was told that trick by many breeder/handlers as a way to work jaw into correct position for better bite :)

Hope this helps a little :)



Adult Chi

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Thank you so much...I may just go ahead and call the vet tomorrow and see if I can take them all in before things get too bad...I wasnt sure how long I should wait? Nadia had hers pulled at 7 months and things turned out great? I just didnt want to do it to soon as I wasnt sure they needed the baby teeth to guide their perm. teeth into place???

I wont do any rubber band tricks:) I promise!!! Actually Hurleys is more like a reverse scissor, and is barely noticeable...

Menkowski I think will be ok but it is weird because he lost all of his front teeth and now his tongue pokes out...

I do keep hearing bites are hard to predict and that it can change back and forth for a year!!! It was just really weird to have such great teeth and then all of a sudden they are so different...


Hurley1-2008016.jpg picture by lostislandpix

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No, they don't usually need baby teeth to guide permanent in - they usually just get in the way.  My little girl who i didn't pull til after 6 months had a permanent in the back that end up coming in sideways because baby tooth wouldn't move.  If we had left it, tooth eventually could have gone into her cheek and caused pain.  Now that baby tooth is out, it's moving it's way back in.

I'm not expert, and i'm certainly not vet, but from way you describe Hurley's, it sounds like from baby teeth.  that's what happened to my girl above.  The slight underbite she has now after teeth is almost like a reverse scissor.  If I open her mouth as if to show her bite and leave teeth slightly apart - it looks like she has perfect bite - it's just when she clenches down it looks like it's reversed :)

I think it's a matter of personal choice as to when to pull them.  Some say if you don't do it before 6 months, it will throw bite off.  Other's think it's better to wait til older to see if they come out on own.  I'm not real sure :(

Good luck



Adult Chi

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Cool, thank you so much...I had heard both and I think I will go ahead and get them pulled. I dont think it will hurt at all and if it doesnt help atleast I tried:)


Hurley1-2008016.jpg picture by lostislandpix

Adult Chi

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Oh good luck Tina...I hope all turns out well....bites seem to be the biggest problem lately with everyone...even my Sofie has a slight overbite...which is better for the "show ring" than a underbite from what I have been told....breeding for these small snouts...I think is not helping this problem.....good luck and I hope it works out


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Alukex wrote:

Oh good luck Tina...I hope all turns out well....bites seem to be the biggest problem lately with everyone...even my Sofie has a slight overbite...which is better for the "show ring" than a underbite from what I have been told....breeding for these small snouts...I think is not helping this problem.....good luck and I hope it works out

Wow, Jen - this really makes me believe it differs wherever you show.  I was told here in new england a slight underbite is better for the ring :)   LOL - i guess it's all in who you talk to and what judge you get.  I know it's definately who you show under (judge wise) as to size and color.   We hit 1 judge who would pick nothing but fawns - no blacks, no tri's, definately no chocolates or blues.  And there was another judge who picked nothing but the tinies - if you had anything over 4 lb, you didn't stand a chance (which was ok by me as I was showing CJ and he LOVED him LOL)



Adult Chi

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Thanks Jen:) I am hoping his genes kick in after we have the baby teeth pulled and all corrects itself...Everyone keeps telling me his top will catch up with his bottom and that it may even go back and forth before everything settles in...

He still gives amazing kisses so it will all be ok...teehee:)


Hurley1-2008016.jpg picture by lostislandpix

Adult Chi

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good luck Tina, im sure whatever u decide it will be the right decision!!!


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