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Senior Chi

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Hello everybody!I have a question:my chihuahua is nearly 3 months old and doesn't bark.At what age do they usually start?


Senior Chi

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If I'm not mistaken, Paka didn't start barking untill he was 4 to 5 months old.

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Hello Pixie!  Welcome to you and your baby, we hope to hear and see more of your chi!   I am trying my best to remember at what age my Hershey started barking, but it's escaped my memory.  Maybe another chi owner will know.  If not a call to the vet or research online should provide you with an answer.  One thing, as soon as the barking does start, training for when it's proper to bark and when it isn't is very important.  We didn't do that here and the barking is crazy.  We are working on it though. 

Edit:  I moved this over to Chi Questions. 

-- Edited by ChiMom79 at 17:41, 2006-10-31


Kid Chi

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Bandy is 5 months old and boy does he bark!  lol But he didn't start till about 4 months... Now that he knows he can do it, he likes to practice...


Senior Chi

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Practice makes perfect.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Siggy by Rosa "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies, It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


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Hawaiianpup wrote:

Practice makes perfect.

Well, if that's the case, my chis should be experts at barking by now! LOL!   Sometimes I wish there was a mute button for their barks.


Senior Chi

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I dont think Ellie barked much for the first month or so either.  She would when she was playing, but that was it.  Now she barks at 'mysterious phantoms' a lot, but I got a water pistol so if she starts up unnecessarily I can stop her!  It always seems to be just as James (my partner), and I sit down to our evening meal that she starts barking like this.  Strange... 

She will also bark at other dogs on the street, which is highly embarressing!    

You just wait, Pixie will start barking, dont you worry!  Then you'll spend all your time trying to get her to stop!    lol 

Love, Jess x



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Oh Jess!  She is barking at haunts girl!  Yep, that's it!  LOL!



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My Bella didn't start barking until about 4 months also. She seldom barks though. If she hears something "suspicious" of she is playing with you and gets REALLY excited.


Senior Chi

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Pixie just barked!!!!!!!!!!

I went in the sitting room,she was sleeping,and I coughed.She woke up and BARKED,once...BAUBAU!!!!

I am so happy!



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Hey, congrats!  It's adorable when they first bark, eh?


Senior Chi

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So her Larynx is working ok then...phew!  Congrats on the first bark Pixie! 

Love, Jess x



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Jess that's exactly what I was worried about!!!!!!!

She hasn't barked again since then but at leat now I know she has a voice!!!!!!


Baby Chi

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My dog Phoenix, barked when she was about 3 months old.  Dakota didn't start barking until recently, I guess she's really not a barker.  The only time Phoenix usually barks is when she wants to play with Dakota or when I'm ignoring her.  Dakota only barks when I come into the house after being gone.


Kid Chi

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That first bark is so cute and funny!  Sparky kind of jumped the first time he barked and looked all startled.  I think he was about 3 months old.  Tucker has kind of a croaky sounding bark - almost like he was hoarse.  Now it works perfectly!  Too bad!  Sparky is my barker!  He barks at phantoms too!  Last night was horrible!  Just wouldn't stop.  I have the water pistol and the Dog Whisperer "ssshhhtt" and Quiet.  It will slow him down to low wooofffs.  Trouble is when Sparky gets started, then Tucker joins in!  Working very hard to get them to obey "Quiet".  Hope they figure it out before I have to buy some earplugs!!



Laura, Sparky, Tucker & Molly

Kid Chi

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Roscoe's just over 3 months old and I can count on my hand the number of times he's barked...maybe 4 total. The latest time was last night when he was sorta "talking to me". Before that it had been weeks. I still wonder if he'll become a yapper, but so far he's pretty quiet.


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Even Pixie she barked 2 times until now....And my husband doesn't believe me because every time I was the only 1 home.Did I dream it?


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 I think some start to bark more , or sooner if there hear another dog bark. They learn alot from eachother. If they don't hear it much if there the only ones they usually don't have much to bark about. Also I think barking can go with there personality.


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Senior Chi

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LOL, she must have a playful personality?


Senior Chi

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She wants to play 20 hours a day...!!!lol!And now that I am home with her every day she has somebody to play with...and to bite!!!


Adult Chi

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this might sound wierd..but i taught dolly to bark..well to speak on command..but dont fret they'll learn..she barks at anything that sounds like someone knocking at the door..


Senior Chi

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Oh my gosh, Tina!  You must get that on vidoe for us! 



Senior Chi

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LOL Thats how mine are, if they hear the school bus they go nuts they SCREAM, thets there potty time LOL, and if they here someone pull in the drive it knocking they all bark. Sometimes it sucks. Like today my nephews Headstart teacher is coming to have my fill out paper work because I have him every other week, and they do home visits. Anyway they will bark for alil while. But they settle down. You would deff. know if someone tried to brake in LOL.


Baby Chi

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hey kahlua did not start barking untill he was about 5 mos old and now he barks at everything. he or she will start barking soon I m sure.


Adult Chi

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If you have a another that is a barker then the pup will bark sooner so I have found . My Nina does not bark that often. My Taco never stops My husband calls him security guard Taco he is after anything and everything that moves or makes a noise you can open a door in the house and he is after you And now the pup Dolly who is 12 weeks barks all the time she watches the others and learns from them they have potty trained her by her watching them I believe the pups learn from around them if she is a only dog then it may ba awhile before she starts barking


Senior Chi

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Prissy is my oldest Chi and she only barks when I'm cooking or we are eating, because she wants some. Imp is a barker and I agree with Anne she has taught Cha Chi and Precious to bark. When I first got Precious she was 12 weeks old and silent now she is 16 weeks and barks every time Imp does.

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Adult Chi

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Peanut didnt start barking until he was six month old. He doesnt bark a lot, only if somebody seems strange to him or little kids are being loud


Senior Chi

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Ellie barks when we eat too.  Every night, without fail, she will find something, or sometimes (I believe) invents something!  lol  I assumed it was because we dont paying her enough attention or giving her our food but she doesn't  even look at us when she barks!    Odd....weirdface



Senior Chi

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depends on the pup - my Bella started right away about 3-4 months - but Bruno (who's only 2 days younger than her) still wasn't barking at 6 months.  He tried - but it'd come out as a sneeze LOL  - i asked the breeder and she said his dad didn't really bark - come to find out - some of his other pups don't either.
With the way Bella barked (constantly LOL), I was actually glad to have a non-barker - but about 7 months Bruno found his voice !!!  At first I thought it was soooo cute - now - they drive me bananas :) cause they think they own the world and bark at anything :)

lil luvs

a/k/a Sue



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