Well, the time is almost here. Sassy will get spayed on Monday the 6th. I am hoping all goes well during and after the surgery. I am hoping she rests some after she is home and I can keep her from being so darn active. Wish us luck!
Oh, best of luck to you both! I will keep my fingers crossed for you come monday! It's going to be a hard day all round; you with Sassy's op and me with my Tribunal!
my baby got spayed this past june. it went well. i was more upset than her. but as for calming down?? not really happening as of yet. she has gained some weight, but is still crazy hyper. hopefully sassy will be more relaxed. will be thinking about sassy, and you on monday. the procedure will go just fine
Well, Sassy is at the Vet's. I took her at 8:30am. She was scared silly. I can get her at 4:30pm they said. I'll update everyone on her after she is home.
Ok, Sassy is home and resting. She did great. She is supposed to have her stitches taken out in 10 days. They say to keep her still as possible for 10 days. Man, that is gonna be hard. Right now she is in the x-pen, normally she will NOT handle that, but she is tired and putting up no fuss right now. She has pain meds for 6 days and hopefully she will be comfortable.
Well one to you both, you did great! As Deb said, Sassy will be her usual bouncy self in no time! Does she have one of those big collars to stop her rippong out her stitches?
Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more of that lil' girlie of yours Jenn!
Jess, she doesn't have one of those collars, if I see she isn't gonna leave them alone, I will talk to the vet about getting one. I sure hope she leaves the incision area alone and causes no problems.
Thanks Everyone! So far so good! Sassy is more alert now and seems to be leaving the incision alone. She is resting well and eating well and taking her meds. I appreciate the support, Sassy does too!
i've been at work, but i have been thinking about sassy so glad to hear she's doing well. i know it was hard to drop her off in the morning. she'll be to her usual self soon.
Yep, she's acting almost back to normal now. I'm trying my best to keep her from being so active. Not easy at all. I'll be glad when the stitches get to come out.
dora's stitches were the inside stitches that were dissolvable. she had 2 small outside stitches but those came out on there own. it was wonderful! i still kept my fingers crossed she wouldn't pick at the incision. glad sassy's recovery is well
Sassy also has inside stitches and 2 on the outside. They have to be removed though. However today, some of her incision split open a little! She was taken back to the Vet and a staple was put in to hold it. I am just really hoping and praying that she doesn't pull that staple out. Everything will still come out around the 16th they said. She is being quite active and I'm trying my best to get her to keep kinda calm. Wish us luck!
Yeah, I call tomorrow and they will prob have me bring her on in. She is doing very well. Her stitches pulled some and she has minor trouble with the incision, but nothing too bad at all. She is feeing fantastic and getting more and more hyper! LoL! I can't wait for the 2 stitches and that staple to be gone.
I know that when Rosie was spayed they said to keep her from running around for 10 days! Oh yeah right! By day two she was back to normal. She had all inside stitches and superglue stuff which worked wonderfully. The scar healed up so quickly it was unbelievable. You can't see anything at all now.
I'm so sorry, I thought I updated here when she got the stitches out, but I see I didn't. I'm brainless. LOL! Anyway, Sassy is doing VERY well, her stitches have been out for about 5 days now and her incision area looks very, very good. She is feeling great and super active these days. Overall she did very well with the whole thing. Thanks so much for asking about her. We appreciate it!