Hi all, a recent puppy buyer and new friend of mine gave me the link to this site. I am very excited to get to know everyone and extend my list of chihuahua friends. Can never have enough. Just like you can't have just one chihuahua.
Thanks Kris for the link, I love to be here and see you talk about little Boo Boo hes so cute!!!! Thanks again, Selena
Hi and welcome to the site. So glad you are here with us, Thanks Kris for spreading the word about Chihuahua Crossing. I can't wait to see more pics of you chi Selena, what is his/her name? How old is she/he? She/he looks like a long hair just like my baby Bella!! Welcome again and I hope you love it here like i do.
Hello, the long coat is my CH sired male his call name is Baron. Hes awesome he will be 1 next month. I am a small breeder. My chis live with us in our living room. There all awesome and I love them all.
Hello and Welcome! It's awesome that Kris spread the word about us, she's wonderful to do that! I hope you enjoy it here and we are certainly pleased to have you in the family! Can't wait to learn more about you and your chis. I remember bluebrookchis from looking at chi breeders online a while back, If I'm remembering right.
Yep thats probably me Thanks I am glad to be here, I have told a couple others. Is this is a new forum? No I didn't make this siggy I haven't learned how to do the animation and glittering yet, I should work on that more, but it takes alot of time. Thanks so much to you all for the warm welcome I am so glad to be here.
Yep, we are new. We just have a huge love for chis and hope to have a forum family that does as well. Thank you so much for spreading the word about us!
Sorry to be so late to welcome you Selena! (That's a lovely name!) Your Chis look adorable! I think I'm like the odd one out here, I only have one Chi! For the moment anyway....