I am supposed to clean Pixie's ears?Sorry for such a silly question but I didn't know...And her ears were really smelly so we cleaned them and lots of brown stuff came out!So I can clean her ears or do I have to take her to the vet to do it?
Thank you!I will take her tomorrow!I am a little annoyed...every time we go to the vet they just kiss her,taking pictures,...and they don't check her properly!!!
we get that constantly too..especially when we're out with all 6..everyone wants to pick them up and take pics of them, it gets a little annoying doesnt it???
When chihuahuas do not feel well, it can cause their ears to flop. It's funny how they can show their emotions and feelings in so many ways.
It really does sound like a yeast infection... which can be caused by many things. Grain heavy foods can cause them, floppy ears, moisture getting into the ears, etc. They are really easy to treat, especially if they are caught early on. The ear in its normal state should not have any odor coming from it at all.
Thank you to all of you!!!!I took Pixie to the vet and she has a ear infection,yeast infection.She cleaned her hear and she gave her drops.I am happy that Pixie is better now (and this is thanks to all of you)but I am also upset.When we went there last week,we told her that it was strange that 1 ear was dropping.She said it's ok.If she checked her that time Pixie she would have been ok by now and I wouldn't have paid 55 USD again!!!!
It is actually common for chis ears to flop while they are still puppies, before they finish teething. Madison's ears still flop up and down (they were up until he was 6 months old, and then decided to flop). I do think that your vet should have been extra sure and looked inside of both of her ears, though.
I'm glad to hear that Pixie is feeling better! Yeast infections go away pretty quickly once treated
Great news. I'm happy to hear your little sweetie is feeling better. I'm treating one of my kitties at the moment with an ear infection too. Have to put the medicine in the ear for about a week.
"Gooing to the Whitehouse to meet the Pwesident!" ~Droopy Dog~
Any medicine with most of our chis is a major production, even heartworm medicine has to be broken into little pieces and fed to them..they are about as spoiled as they come..