hey all I found it here but I am not sure if I can keep up with 2 forums. But I will try!!! For all of you I don't know...I am Jennifer and I have a Harley, my first Chihuahua!
Ok, I would like to friendly say. Someone from that forum was tring to put down Jen and Heather the Admin. of this forum and we are all about peace here, you know? I mean theres nothing wrong with belonging to 2 forums and there is room for both. I am sure everyone would agree, if you hear anyone from there not liking the idea of 2 forums can you help us make peace with them? Thanks so much. We are all just a bunch of friendly happy chi people wanting to share of chi kids with each other.
Welcome Jennifer! It's great to see you and Harley here! We do certainly want peace and have no problems at ALL about people belonging to the other chi forum, we just hope that the few people stirring up problems for us from there will mature a little and leave us at peace. There is TONS of room on the NET for us all and we just want to talk, see and love our chis! Welcome again!
LOL! That's ok Jen, it's unpleasant stuff that doesn't need to be brought up or aired. We are just thrilled you came and can't wait to see more posts and pics from you!