How often do you guys give your chis baths and clip there nails? I know they say too many baths can dry them out I bathe them and clip there nails once a month. Do you think thats too long for a bath should they have it more often or is that fine?
Radar also gets a bath about once a month. His skin is usually dry anyway, do we don't bath him too often. I think a bath once a month is a good thing.
The kids get baths once a month, and let me tell you they know when its bath day. Everyone slinks around trying to be on their best behavior so as not to be the first one to get a bath. Then afterwords they run around like rabid chis trying to wipe the cleanliness off of them..its absolutely hilarious.
6Chishere wrote: The kids get baths once a month, and let me tell you they know when its bath day. Everyone slinks around trying to be on their best behavior so as not to be the first one to get a bath. Then afterwords they run around like rabid chis trying to wipe the cleanliness off of them..its absolutely hilarious.
Radar is the very same way. I have to hold him still with one hand and dry him with another. But, as soon as I let go, he's gone! He literally runs around like a wild dog! It is too funny, I can't help but sit and laugh at him. I guess he feels so refeshed that he just can't contain himself!!!
Mine get a bath monthly until their December bath. Unless they get into something gross, I don't bathe them again until March. We get drafts and it's so cold, I just avoid baths then if possible for them. I wear a bathing suit and get in the tub with them, if you really want the whole story. LOL For in between rinse offs or specific dirt, I take them into the shower with me. Babies go in the sink until they don't fit well.
Toenails get cut about every 3 weeks. We have to do the "one holds, one clips" for toenails. And with Julianna, I have to roll a towel and wrap it around her neck so she can't reach over it to bite me. Little stinker.
We clip nails every couple of weeks and i do baths once a month in summer and as needed in winter because its so cold. As long as they dont get into anything icky or smell doggy in winter its as needed because i'm so afraid of the drafts making them sick.
"Gooing to the Whitehouse to meet the Pwesident!" ~Droopy Dog~
I bath Ellie as and when required, but it usully occures naturally once a month. I trim her nails like once a month too I guess. I actually try not to clip them too often and just walk her on hard surfaces. The more you walk them on a surface that grinds down their nails the more the blood flow in the nail retreats back into the paw.
Ellie also runs aorund like a mad thing after she's been washed! I had a Shih Ztu when I was a kid and she did the same thing. I'm thinking it's a dog thing! I love it, it's sooo cute!