Hi Everyone! I am just wondering if anyone knows of ANY flea medication that you can buy in a store that actually works? We usually use Advantage here because I've never had any luck at all with the store flea treatments and preventatives. I just wonder why they sell stuff that doesn't work? I'm just curious if anyone has run into anything that actually does an ok job of killing and preventing fleas without having to get it through a vet. Thanks!
The answer to that is NO..not only no, but hell no. Being a vet tech i've seen way to many reactions to otc flea prev. (adams, bio spot etc) These reactions range anywhere from seizures to death. The way they can get away with selling them is the "disclaimer" or instructions on the back of the box, it basically says dont use this on your dog. Have you ever actually read the info on the back of a box of this stuff???? Advantage, Advantix, Frontline, and Revolution are all tested and re-tested to make sure they are safe. These other products are not. You can get advantix etc from Pet Supermarket I know for sure. Advantage, Frontline, and Advantix are no longer considered "perscription" products and can be purchased from online pharmacies without a RX. I personally use advantix because we live in georgia and I like the fact that it repels mosquitos.
Just FYI the main differences between the top 3
Advantage- not waterproof, kills just fleas
Advantix- waterproof, kills fleas, repels ticks, and repels mosquitos (fleas and ticks dont have to bite)
Frontline - waterproof, fleas and ticks have to bite pet but once they bite they will die
I would never use an otc flea product as well... I know the Hartz brand has been know to cause toxic reactions in dogs. My mom tried Biospot on her poodle a long time ago, and she had to be rushed to the ER vet.
Wow, glad my babies have been on Advantage a good long while now. I was not aware of such dangers with the other stuff, I just knew they didn't work. It's good to know that you can now buy the good stuff without a prescription.