I am so happy to have found a Chihuahua stompin' ground! I have 2 hua-huas, Bella who is 15 mos and is my doll-baby and Bambi, our new addition who is just 11 weeks. She's a handful, but oh so cute!! i notice that many of you have multiples! I would love to have more, but I like to travel everywhere with them and 2 is a challenge! Well, so much for me! Glad to be here! Question....do you have to be a member for a certain time before I get an avatar???
Hi there! Welcome to Chihuahua Crossing! I can't wait to get to know you and your Chi's alittle better! About the avatar...you can post an avatar at anytime.
Hi, welcome to the Chi family. Can't wait to get to know you and your two babies! You can post your own avatar whenever you would like, and if you would like to have one made for you, then just got to "forum news" and there is a thread there to post a request. Selena (Bluebrooks) makes them and she does great!! Welcome again.
Hello and welcome!! Can't wait to see pictures of your little ones- especially the 11 week old - i am a new chi owner and my little Boo is 11 weeks old too!!!!!
Hello and welcome! It certainly sounds like you're in the right place!
I'm looking forward to learning all about, and seeing lots of, Bella and Bambi! You have the second Bella on here, our Admin, Heather has the other, so good choice!
Welcome again, I hope you like it here. I have a sneaking suspision that you will! lol
Oh, I forgot! You asked about the avatars, and I wasn't sure if you knew how to do one so thought I'd try and explain.
Firstly you need a Photobucket account; dont worry, that's easy and it's free! Go to: http://www.photobucket.com You can upload photos of your Chis or whatever pic you want from your hard drive onto your new account. Once you've uploaded the pic you want go to the top of this page and click on your username. Then click on 'edit profile' and scroll down til you see avatar on the left. In the aproapriate box copy and paste the pic URL in your Photobucket account, and woila! You have yourself an avatar!
It's the same for regular photos, only you copy and paste the actual photo onto the page.
I hope that made sense, but ignore this if you've already figured it out!
Welcome! I am so glad you have joined us! I really look forward to seeing pics of your babies and learning more about you all. I have 3 Chihuahuas, Hershey, Sassy & Jackson (Jax). Having multiple chis can be a challenge but I love it! Usually if I travel with any it's just one or two at a time. Jax is not a fan of travel and Sassy isn't too crazy about it either, so usually it's Hershey that goes out from time to time. Please post away and enjoy Chihuahua Crossing!