okay, um I have had dogs go into heat before.....but...Ava's little boobs seem to be getting bigger...she has been done with her heat for a least a week.......
This is why I question....she was with me at my mothers when I had to watch my moms pups when she went out of town..my mother has a male chi....I kept them apart every sec of every min of every day I was there...she was wanting it bad too....what a little hussy she was...anyways...should I be concerned at all.....I did not see them together at all. I kept them apart....but accidents do happen.....I can't have her prego she is way to young .....she might just be having a false pregnancy...anyways...should I go to the vets? Have any of you had this happen before....whether it be a female getting pregnant to early or a false.
Oh wow. How old is she? I have seen some do really good first time, shes not real small so not too much to worry about right there. (they can be pretty sneaky) I mean if she did get bred some how I would go ahead and let her have them, but guess that was meant to be by gods nature but I would wait couple more weeks if she still shows some signs I would have the vet check her. The false pregos can show signs right to the end. If you need any help let me know I don't live too far.
Jennifer, I had a similar experience with Ellie's first season! She came into heat for the first time a few months ago, when she was nine months also. I noticed that she had bigger nipples and that her mamery glands felt swollen, and I thought perhaps she was having a phantom pregnancy. She wasn't. The nipples and sometimes the surrounding area permantely change after their first season. It's completely normal and northing to worry about. If you had Ava with you the whole time and feel certain she wasn't in a 'compromising position' while you were at your Mum's then I wouldn't worry about it. I guess only time will tell. Let us know though, wont you?
how long has it been since this happen? you can tell if shes pg by around the 18 to 21 days, thats when implantation occurs. also during this time dogs will appear nauseous and even vomit so you should look out for this signs.she might be pg and if she is what are u gonna do? well hope everything turns out good.
well if she is pregnant, even though she is young. she may be ok if you think she is healthy enough. and they can go into false pregnacies too. since she was around a male and other puppies her brain could have gone into "mommy" mode...lol.