Hey guys...a while back we stopped giving rawhide to Radar after it kept making him sick. We tried giving Dingos, and he just loved them. And, they didnt seem to make him sick. We recently bought him a few Dingos to keep him busy and active. He does really well with them. Is there a difference in the rawhide used in Dingos and the rawhide in other chews? This is the only brand of rawhide we've given and him not get sick on it. I am just curious if maybe it's better rawhide or something.
I am not sure Rosa. I never thought about it, but maybe there is a difference. Maybe someone will know. I am very glad Radar is doing well with the Dingo rawhides though.
I'm not sure if there is a difference in the chews or not, but I do know that the dingo rawhides are the only ones any of my kids will touch. Anything else they just turn their noses up at..
Well, when we were looking at all the rawhides. I did notice that the Dingo is the only one that has a white color to it. It also was the only one I seen that had the ingredients on it...which said 100% rawhide. Most all of the other brands of rawhide had more of a yellow color to them. They don't look as good as Dingos.
I am very wary of rawhide in general. Most of it is foreign made, and there are few, if any, regulations on production. Many times, cat skins, dog skins, horse skins, etc are used for the rawhide (since the origin of skin does not need to be specified). In countries like China, this is very common.
Now, I looked into the Dingo Rawhides a few minutes ago, and they are all produced in a factory in China. I looked into the listing of ingredients and found this as well:
Rawhide, real chicken breast, water, flavorings, artificial coloring, dextrose (sugar), sodium chloride (salt), dipped in potassium sorbate (a preservative).
The rawhide is not specified (as it usually isn't in rawhide products). This means that the rawhide could be anything, and the fact that it is produced in China means that I do not trust it.
I am not sure if it is any different from other rawhide products, though. I do not give my dogs chewies anymore after Madison ended up hooked up to an IV for a couple of days after gulping a flossie. But... when I was giving chewies I only trusted one brand... Merrick. They make Flossies and Bully Sticks, and they are 100% natural (no sugar or salt, artificial colorings, etc like in Dingos), and are made from 100% beef tendons from the USA.
Wow, Jessie! Thanks for the info! I swear, I dunno where in the world you get all the info...LoL! We usually don't give him rawhides. Usually he only get's Chew-ezz, which are beefhide rolls.
Hehe, thanks :D I do a ton of research... I am really really into animal nutrition; I probably drive everyone crazy with it
I looked up Chew-eez online, and they scare me as well...
Beefhide, animal digest (source of beef flavor), maltodextrins, added color (Red 40 and other color), natural flavors, natural smoke flavor, potassium sorbate (a preservative), xanthan gum
This is the definition of animal digest:
AAFCO: A material which results from chemical and/or enzymatic hydrolysis of clean and undecomposed animal tissue. The animal tissues used shall be exclusive of hair, horns, teeth, hooves and feathers, except in such trace amounts as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice and shall be suitable for animal feed. If it bears a name descriptive of its kind or flavor(s), it must correspond thereto.
A cooked-down broth made from unspecified parts of unspecified animals. The animals used can be obtained from any source, so there is no control over quality or contamination. Any kind of animal can be included: "4-D animals" (dead, diseased, disabled, or dying prior to slaughter), goats, pigs, horses, rats, misc. roadkill, animals euthanized at shelters, restaurant and supermarket refuse and so on.
Red Dye 40:
The most widely used food dye. While this is one of the most-tested food dyes, the key mouse tests were flawed and inconclusive. An FDA review committee acknowledged problems, but said evidence of harm was not "consistent" or "substantial." Like other dyes, Red 40 is used mainly in junk foods. Personally I'd rather avoid this ingredient and err on the side of caution.
The beefhide is specified (which is better than it just saying rawhide). But, the other ingredients on the list are unspecified (like the animal digest).
Ew! Where do you find all that info, I gotta know!
It sounds to me like there aren't many decent chews out there on the market anyway. What chews do you give your pups? Do you know of any all natural chews?
If Radar isn't a gulper (it sounds to me like he isn't, since he does fine with rawhides), I recommend the Merrick's Flossies and Bully Sticks. They sell them at Petsupermarket, and I think Petco and Petsmart. I used to get them at my doggy bakery and Petsupermarket. They are 100% beef tendons (no other ingredients, and not processed at all). We used to use the Booda Velvet bones as well (but they do not last for a long time at all). The new Greenies are digestible now, and I have started given them to my chis again. They eat them in 5-10 minutes, though, so they do not last at all
I think the Flossies and Bully Sticks are your best bet, though. They last as long, if not longer, than a rawhide does. Dogs go crazy over them as well!
I find this info by doing a ton of research. I know my ingredients really really well, and I read a ton of articles. It's a friday night and I'm sitting here reading about dog nutrition (lol, went to a Christmas party dinner, and now I'm reading about dogs).
Well, I really appreciate the info. I have heard alot of things about Bully sticks, but have never given one. I am sure he'd like them...he tends to like most chews. Radar doesnt tend to gulp when he gets his chews, so I may try a Bully stick and see what happens.
I have never heard of a Flossie...until now. I'll have to check them out.
Wow, Jessie, you provide the best info! You are awesome! It seems SO many things are just not made out of what one would want to give their pet. It really is a shame, it's like you got to inspect everything and rarely find what is decent to feed out there. At least anything that is decent AND affordable anyway. I'm so thankful for all the good info though!
I've never thought about giving bully sticks to my chis (DUH) I do give them to my dane though. I guess next time I order I should get some little ones for the chi kids too..
I have seen the Bully sticks at PetsMart, but never got around to actually buying one. I have heard many good things about them, yet to hear anything bad. I think I'll pic up a few when we go back to PetsMart. I am sure Radar would LOVE them.