I'm Sarah and my chi, Taco, is a rescue so we're not sure how old he is. At least seven we think, he's going a bit blind but that doesn't make him any less assertive... or any less agressive!
We're from Australia - please note the beer icon I used as a tribute to the drink of choice in this great nation. In fact, Taco sometimes sneaks a slurp of beer when he thinks no-one is looking. He's a wily one!
I also have an English ****er Spaniel, Angie, and she's adorable as well. I want to get another chi but unfortunately I'm not allowed! It's unfair, I wanted a little girl one to call Amelie. Nevermind.
Looks like a great forum, see you round! xoxo Sarah & Taco
Hello and welcome! It's great to have you here with us! It's wonderful that you have a rescue dog, even though it sounds like he might be a fiesty one! lol
So where abouts in Australia are you? I'm an Australian citizen myself, and hope to move there in a few years timefrom England, which is where I am now. Probably to the East Coast somewhere.
Looking forward to hearing all about you, Taco and Angie!
A BIG welcome to you and Taco! So glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy the forum. Looking forward to seeing pics and learning more about you both.