Hello!! Soda is about to be 6 months old on January 24; I was curious as to when puppies usually start going into heat. She's my first puppy -- and this is all new to me! Are there any signs I should look for? Any information on when to get her spayed? Anything will help! Thanks!
The first thing I noticed on Ava was boobies....she got fat boobs...and they stayed around about a month after her heat was over...which made me nervous because she was at my mothers for two days with a male!...anyways..I always heard about 6-8 months for spaying and neuter..but I am sure someone else on here knows better than I....we have always had breeding females so I am unsure about what age is the best!....
If you are not planning on breeding Soda, it is recommended to spay before or around 6 months of age. Chihuahuas generally go into heat between 6-12 months of age. When she goes into heat, you will notice swollen nipples and a swollen vulva, before she even begins to bleed. The heat cycle lasts about 3 weeks... please make sure you keep her away from intact males for 30 days, though.
If she goes into heat before you spay her, you should wait to have her spayed until 3 months after her heat cycle ends (to give the hormones a chance to settle down again).
If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them
I totally agree with Jessie's advice. Nice one girlie!
Ellie came into season at nine months, so I'd say you're a little way off yet, but it's alwasy best to be prepared! If you're not going to breed her, and I'd ask you to think very carefully if you want to, then as Jessie said, best get her spayed as soon as possible. If you're going wait for a while though I would get some diapers/pants for her for when she does come into season. It is a bit mucky as they have a red coloured discharge for the first seven to ten days that stains. Consequently it can be very isolating for the dog because you wont let her on the furntiure or cuddle her so much. But if you put diapers on her it should prevent this problem and so aid the isolation.
The second part of the heat is actually more horrible than the first (I think!). It is when the bitch becomes receptive to males and so becomes very 'playful' and 'active' with everyone and everything! Be warned all you teddy bears! LOL! She'll probably be trying to get it on with your arms/legs too! Yucky dergy! It should last a similar amount of time as the first stage, so seven to ten days.
Her nipples will probably change; get larger and more prominent. This is completely normal, dont worry!