Hello I am a new member. My name is Rachel Dye. My husband, daughter and I have 2 chihuahuas. They will be 3 years old in the later part of March. Their names are Lil' Bit which was the runt of the litter, and Biskit which is my husbands chihuahua. They are both brothers, yet they obviously are very different. A friend of mine suggested this site for me to try, she also has a chihuahua, and she knows my love of animails, especially my two babies! We feel like they are just part of our family. They are combined with my husband, my boys!! lol...
Hi Rachel, Welcome to Crossing am so glad that you are here an introduced yourself!! I can't wait to learn more about you and Lil' bit and Biskit. I hope we get to see pics!! If you have questions or advice or want to share something just pitch right in, everyone on this site is SO you great. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Hey Rachel! I'm so glad you decided to join up! I can't wait to hear more about your chihuahua babies! It's great to have a member that I've known forever!!! I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here as much as I do! Welcome!!!