need some help
ok so i have a question. ive been told both ways on this by many people and many vets. i have a friend who just bought a puppy and it ended up with luxating patella. ive never came across this with mine, but i don't think its passed down, but just happens. does anyone know much about this, or any info. i also ca...
Age for first heat ?
What is the approximate age that ya'll have found for your female's first heat cycle. Abby was 11 months and the vet seemed a little surprised she was that old. Roxie will be 8 months old on the 30th of this month. So should I be on the look out soon??? Doc told me with these little dogs they could come into he...
$425 for a spay!?!?
I know it needs to be done... but the quotes I've gotten are $300-$425!! It cost less than half of that to get my HORSE fixed! Seriously though... there is honestly no way I can afford that... perhaps one more reason I can't keep her.
Domino is sick
Domino with Discospondylitis. its a disease that affects some dogs. they could be born with it or get it through a wounds. there is more info about it on this site: http://www.artreality.com/portfolio/wdwork/vet/discospondylitis.htm
Mater is sick :(
Mater has had diarrhea for the last few days, and now he has little drops of blood after he goes. I called the vet and they said to bring a stool sample in, which I did, and it was neg. Then they said to try him on white rice and chicken, and i did, and he held it down for a couple of hours, then threw it up. So I w...
Flea problems
Hey, I have never had a flea problems with my girls before this month. My stepson has been bringing his big dog on the weekends and there inlies the problem. He stays out in the little back yard we have fenced for the girls to go potty and play a little.They do not go out with the bigger dog because they are af...
Wormer question
We took all the babes today and got wormer. Now, the local vet is OLD, but he's really close. So as long as everything is fine, we've been going there. The wormer he gave us was Drontal. I haven't seen Drontal in a long time. And tablets no less! I'm just wondering what everyone else has gotten for wormers....
I recieved the following in an email today, thought I should share with you all. PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE WHO HAS DOGS, ESPECIALLY SMALL DOGS Bella, 3 years old, 4 pounds Product - Smoke House Chicken Breast Tenders Treats Bella became suddenly ill ,and now hospitalized with her life th...
Ticked off at vet
We do NOT use lepto here. I know some of you probably do, but we've had bad reactions twice and after reading online, we won't use it. Chihuahuas have such a high incidence of reactions, it's not worth it to me. Anyway, our vet knows this. So we have the puppies going in for their first shots and he tells us h...
How to find a vet?
We went through four vets back in BC and had finally found one that we liked... and now of course we're all the way out here in Toronto. Corona needs to be spayed ASAP... but I don't want to just flip through the phone book and pick out a name, especially for something like that. Back home, we got recommenda...
Help, worried mom
Abby is undergoing surgery in the morning on her knee. She will have to spend the night after the surgery so they can check her in the morning. I have always taken my animals home after surgery, in case they become sick in the evening. The vets office does not have anyone there at night. I am hesitant to l...
Abby Gails Mom
As I said in my introduction... I am new to Chi's. When I picked up my girl, the breeders told me that Chihuahua's have this thing where they "honk". Well, Corona's been making this funny noise that my parents say sounds like she's got a hairball... I don't think that's how I would persnally d...
Chihuahua Teeth-What do you use? What do your dogs think?
I'm wondering what everyone uses to brush/clean their chihuahua's teeth? My two girls?despise dog?toothpaste, but hate toothbrushes even more. So recently, I purchased some cleansing gel (PetzLife). Tinker Bell thinks it is okay with my?rubbing it on her teeth, ?but my other girl ,Halo, will gr...
Okay this is a very strange question. Our newest little edition Luke, who is 6 months, does this weird breathing thing when he gets excited or after being outside. It sounds like hes an old man draining his nose cavity through his throat!! I'm not sure what it is, but once he calms down it stops. Can anyon...
Car sickness
Can some of you tell me what to give Roxie to prevent car sickness ?? She is not nervous when riding but it just makes her throw up. It only started after she was about 3 months old. We had made trips as long as 2 hrs before then and it never bothered her. But I was taking her to the vet for immunizations and she h...
Innie Vulva
Well just when I thought things here were settling down and the girls were good. I noticed a change on Ariel, I noticed her vulva was I guess you can say sinking into her body. I did some research and it states that it is called aninnie vulva. It states you have to keep them clean, and that they have a high...
What a mess! (warning: gross)
Well, yesterday afternoon Sassy got into, and ate, a bunch of vasaline.? She is gonna be just fine, but the mess that is coming out of her is just, oh Lord, so gross.? What is happening is the vasaline is passing through her system and is greasy and all and it's leaking out of her rear.? Especially when she...
Animal CPR
In case it is ever needed by our members, I have added a site with specific instructions on performing Animal CPR.. I pray none ever need it, but better to have it available.. Deb http://members.aol.com/henryhbk/acpr.html -- Edited by chideb at 20:23, 2007-07-08
Tinkers vet visit today
? Tinker went to the vet today for another puppy vaccination.? The vet gave her an A++? He said she is doing really well, growing, looks great.? So needless to say ?I am estatic.? I just wanted to say thank you for all of your advice.? -- Edited by Erica at 15:40, 2007-07-01
Fancy not feeling well...
Fancy, my oldest girl, hasn't been perky the last two days... She has always had a sensitive stomach and now with "old age" creepin' up on her... she has some "yucky" days..The vet says nothing there to treat, just the aging process.. She will be 11 this year...Here's? my Fancy g...
Trachea Collapse
? Has anyone here dealt with this.. not the mild kind, but the kind where they cough constantly unless so sedated they can barely stand up?? She is 10 years old, and I have an appointment Wed to take her to a surgeon...
Just wondering at what age do they start getting their puppy teeth.? Tinker will be three months on the firs and her puppy teeth are just now coming in.? Should I be worried, with Ariel they were already well in by then. -- Edited by Erica at 10:59, 2007-06-24
hurt leg ?
I'm sooo upset right now - I think Bijou may have hurt her leg :(?? We were outback with all the pups - she was in under everyone's feet as usual (you know, those toe biters) - she all of a sudden yelped and ran - i went to pick her up and she yelped a little again.? I checked her leg - she let me touch it, didn't cry...
lil luvs
first heat
Well, we're finally winding down on Bella's first heat - although she still won't leave poor Bruno alone (and he wants nothing to do with her, fickle guy that he is), but now Bindi has started her first heat.? She seems to be having such a rough time - just very mopey and tired.? I've increased her iron (in...
lil luvs
Can you help me figure this out?!
Hiya! I have noticed something strange about Ellie's behaviour in our bed recently.? Whenever she's up on the bed if she's not sleeping she scratches furiously like she's really itchy.? It's the weirdest thing cos she doesn't do it anywhere else.? Ellie has had itching problems in the past due to wro...
I realy need some help or advice. We seem to be getting overrun with fleas. Every time I take my little ones out to potty they come back in with fleas. Nedless to say we now have fleas inside too. They are realy bad this year. I have tried brewersyeast and we bombed the house and treated the yard but we still h...
I Cant Believe this!
As most of you will know I have had to work hard and unfortunately put Ellie through a lot, by trying to find a suitable dry food for her.? She is sensitive to maize (corn), soy, and I am keen to have her on an organic, human grade food.? Well, it took me the?best part of a year to find and establish a food that w...
Halle is currently only 1 lb and 8 ounces.? She is 5 months old now and has not gained an ounce since I got her. She weighs the same as the day I picked her up.? I never limit her food, always have dog food in the bowl for her.? My vet says she may not get much bigger.? What is ya'lls experience? Should she be...
halles mom
Watery eyes.
Radar tend to have really watery eyes. Most of the time they are like this. Poor thing, half the time it looks like he has been crying. They get extremely watery when the wind blows, but I can understand that, I mean that makes my eyes water. But, is it normal for his eyes to be teared up like this all the time...
the poops
Well, Halle just took her first long distance trip. We went to kentucky for Easter weekend. She had the diarrhea all weekend! My mom started?slipping her bits of table food over the weekend, so I'm not sure if I should chalk it up to that, the car ride or nerves. She has no problem with my boys, but my nephe...
halles mom