Ok, I don't have all the information, or the time this morning to do all the research, but I will tell you what I do know. Rollover brand (now this is where I am confused) pigs ears, and I think maybe pork treats (these might just be the same thing), have caused cases in Canada of salmonella, almost killin...
The boyz are teething...HELP
Ok, all 3 boys are teething and I remember getting all freaked out when Nadia got her big girl teeth because she looked like a tiger shark:) Sooooo, I'm trying not to freak out again but we have several different issues going on. How bad can their bite go off when they teeth? Hurley is developing an und...
Home from the Hospital
Ugh, I feel so terrible for my poor little Corona!! She had her spay surgery this morning, plus two retained canine teeth removed... I went and picked her up about a half hour ago and she's just not my little girl at all. She's lethargic, unsteady on her feet, her poor little belly is all sucked in, she's...
Ok, it appears fleas are here again...Last year I used Advantage, which works well, but I like to be able to bathe the dogs when I want, and I noticed after one bath only, the fleas were already reappearing. So, my question is, which flea treatment have you all found to work well, even with a couple or so b...
Under Bite?
Seems Cee has an underbite, ( Where the bottom teeth rest in front of the top teeth when mouth is closed) I thought her mouth looked funny or different rather, and since she is going to be spayed, passing the trait on is not a problem, but are there going to be other health related problems to this? Sh...
In your experiences with Nutrical will it give a grown dog loose stools? Roxie has not been eating her dried dog food well at all and had lost several ounces and was looking really thin. I put her and Abby back on the Eukanuba Puppy chow as Abby was loosing also on the beneful several weeks ago. Roxie stil...
Emergency vet trip this morning for Rio
Woke up at 7 to Rio having difficulty breathing, standing, and concentrating.. Rushed him to our vet, as I thought he might be having a stroke. He has a level 4 heart murmur for which he takes Enacard daily. We arrived at the vet at 8:00 and they did a chest exray looking for fluid buildup, and a complete bl...
older nuetered male what a shock to see him tied up
ok everyone I have 3 of my females in heat now, I have an older 7 yr old chi (cody joe) that was nuetered back in November. I was always under the impression that once you had a male nuetered, they lost all interest in breeding. Well much to my surprise, I caught my cody Joe tied up with my long haired black tr...
About Violet??
Karen, Did you get Violet into the Vet to see what the balding was or did you decide it was her just blowing the puppy coat?
Bella not eating :(
So - for past couple of days, i haven't seen Bella eat much at all - nitpick a piece here and there. She's also the one we think may be pregnant, so I'm assuming it's a type of "morning sickness" for her. She's still very active - although mainly just wants to be on couch with someone for atte...
lil luvs
Need suggestions please
Hawaii celebrates New Years with a bang.........a BIG BANG! Fireworks have been going off every night for a month now and Paka is a very unhappy pup. New Years Eve, he will be a shaking bundle of fur. I have a problem, we will not be home for a couple of hours on the eve. We have early dinner reservations so w...
My little Prissy
I had to take Prissy to see the Doctor today. She had a lump come up on her back between her shoulder. It is the size of a quarter and feels somewhat mushy. The doctor said it is like a boil and she is trying antibiotics first. She also put her on seroids for ten days because of her scratching. My poor baby has s...
Mojo is having xrays!!!
Hey everone!!! I just left Mo (our corgi) at the vet to have xrays! He has been having problems getting around and this is our second time in. They think he may have ruptured a disc but they are going to call me this afternoon with the results... If he needs continued care or surgery I will need to stay hom...
Losing Weight!
I just don't understand this! Corona lost a lot of weight about 3-4 weeks ago, but I attributed it to her being in heat. She was down to less than 3lbs (normally is 3.5lbs+) when she went and stayed with a friend of mine for two weeks. When she came back, she looked a LOT better and was back up to a good weight...
How long should it last?
Poor Corona seems to have been in heat for about three weeks now. She was really swollen for about a week, then bled for about 5-7 days, and at this point is still really swollen (vulva/nipples). She also hasn't been eating as much as normal... but she'll go a little while without eating much, and then sh...
HELP!!! Hurley has poopy breath?
OK, I know this is gross but Hurley has the worst breath! It smells like he has been eating his poo but I pick it up as soon as it comes out:) It bugs me when he steps in it... I thought it might be because he was on soft food when I got him but he is now on dry and it is still there...ICK!!! I love to get kisses fr...
poodle pups at 1 week old
here are the poodle pups at 1 week old already. wow it doesnt seem possible, how time flies when ur having fun. they are already growing very well. first time momma is doing very well with them. sorry for posting this in the wrong category folks. -- Edited by chihuahuasforsaleindiana at 12:37, 2007-1...
Bijou's baby teeth :(
Ok, so those of you who remember, i was asking about retained baby teeth. I ended up having CJ's pulled a couple of weeks ago - he had retained 3 of his canines and i didn't want it to throw his bite off. At the time, we knew Bijou had a couple of retained baby teeth also, but as she lost one within days after...
lil luvs
Puppy update!
The puppies are doing SO well, there is absolutely no rattle left in Kellen's chest tonight. I've been putting them in a closed box and using the nebulizer several times a day and giving them drops of Airborne on their tongues. Ohhhh, they don't care for the orange flavor, they scrunch up their little...
Just wondering... what is the general rule for determining if your chi is under/overweight? I know with the horses there was this whole point/scale system and I'd assume it's similar for the dogs but... I think Corona looks good, but she's pretty boney feeling when I pick her up, lol. Spots like her ch...
neiko has a lump
i just noticed it tonight. it wasn't there this morning. he plays find breaths fine and sleeps fine he just has this lump. i am going to take him to the vet but i was wondering if anyone else had some information or had this happen to their chi. thank you -Jamace i realized i didn't say where it was. its on his...
retained baby teeth
anyone ever had a problem with retained baby teeth? Bruno is almost 1 1/2 and has just one - CJ (10 mo.) has quite a few and Bijou (7) just 2 or 3. These aren't just "longer lasting" baby teeth - these are baby teeth that are still there with their permanent teeth already coming in (or fully in...
lil luvs
Sick pups Tuesday morning
I've used the nebulizer on them twice now and Kellen has been coughing and clearing her lungs. They sound MUCH better. Not perfect, but better. Kellen and Leigh both have their eyes open now and more pups are starting to crack tiny eyes open. I will watch them today and if they don't seem on the right pat...
Sick puppies
Katie's pups are sick. I called the local vet because I am without a car at the moment. He said it's probably herpes and just keep them REALLY warm and hope for the best. He said bringing them out to him would be mor harm than good. He is the really OLD guy I'm not terribly fond of, so I'm not feeling as trustin...
Caution:A stinky situation
Questions???? Roxie has had the poops ever since she has been in heat now for 3 days. Today I noticed it had mucus in it even. The only thing she has had different at all was about a teaspoon of whole milk on her Eukanuba dry food to get her to eat a couple of times since she was not eating. Is this normal ? Thi...
Roxie Says....Oh NO !!!
Roxie says oh no not the dreaded panties. I can't help it Mommy if I am one of those heavy goers. I promise I did not know that was gonna be on Pappa's recliner when I woke up from my nap. Not the bow butt ones please. And what IS this swollen thingy on my rear? She has retreated to the crate most of the time or jus...
Aw crap... lol
Well, it would appear that my little girl is not such a little girl anymore! Yep, I believe Corona's in heat. She has a little bit of discharge and I've ordered some "bitch britches", but they wont be here for a while. Any suggestions how I can keep things clean and prevent her from getting blo...
WHAT a night!
I was just getting into bed last night and turned to see Katie sliding over the edge of the bed. She went butt first, all wild eyed trying to grab the blankets. She scared herself and ME to death. So, lights back on, checking her out, and then holding her and waiting until she was calmer. She was so freaked o...
Abby at Vets In Pain
We had to leave Abby at the Vets screaming out in pain. It started last night. Will post more later. They are doing some test now. I am devastated. I don't know what is wrong. She had a different kind of treat that my stepson brought in and gave her but she has an iron clad tummy; and she and Roxie were wrestli...
Puppy Teeth Question
Roxie Anna is 6 months old now and has not had a problem shedding her pup teeth until her upper canines came in. They are almost completely in in front of the baby teeth and the puppy teeth are still there. Will the puppy teeth eventually fall out or do we need to go to the vet and spend mega bucks to have the...